The purpose of the scriptures

The bible can be a confusing place. So many different letters and books, written by so many different people at different times in history to various groups of different people. Hundreds of thousands of written scriptures, all God breathed, yet many of them seemingly contradictory. The bible is a challenging read to say the least, …

#8.3 – The Wisdom of Suffering [James 1:1-18]: Without Defects

So, we have determined that suffering can be likened to a computer virus, in that it is designed to infect and infiltrate our system. But that the Lord, in His sovereign wisdom allows suffering so that He can use it for His glory and purposes in our lives. What’s important for us, is to see … Continue reading

#8 – The Wisdom of Suffering [James 1:1-18]: Without Defects

In the amplified version of the bible, there are little [brackets] that give extra information about a specific word or topic. They help clarify the concepts in English from the original Greek. They are very helpful and indeed do [Amplify] the meanings to give greater understanding and insight. Right in between the words fully developed … Continue reading

#6 – The Wisdom of Suffering [James 1:1-18]: Fully Developed

So, we have spent some time looking at different aspects of faith as related to suffering. The image of the human body posed as a wonderful example with which to understand faith practically. We saw that faith can be likened to muscle. It is the wielder of our spiritual strength, and the producer of force that causes … Continue reading

Points of Separation Part 7 : so what now?

We have now reached the end of the series and I simply wanted to walk through it quickly and ask you to answer it for yourself. Remember the question I asked you to keep at the back of your head through the whole series? What does God really want? Part 1 We looked at how … Continue reading

#5.3 – The Wisdom of Suffering [James 1:1-18]: Faith

So what is Faith exactly? This is probably one of the most age-old questions that people have asked and tried to answer. People have had some very interesting ways of looking at and understanding Faith. Some which still influence the way we meet and worship today. So why am I focusing on Faith, when there … Continue reading

Points of Separation Part 6 : Consolidation

I will start today by saying that we have walked through the Old Testament and we have seen that God responds when we make decisions. Moving and jumping quickly into the New Testament: In Christ there is no separation, but that in itself does not solve the problem we sit with today. Though we may … Continue reading

#5.2 – The Wisdom of Suffering [James 1:1-18]: Faith

So, we have answered the question of how endurance is actually developed within us? We saw that it happens when our spiritual strength is put to the test. When our faith is pushed to its limits. That is when our endurance stretches and tears and has a chance to grow by the infilling life of … Continue reading

Points of Separation Part 5 : The final point

Here we are. At the final point of separation. Its been a journey and I hope you have seen the scriptures with some new light and now look at God a bit differently than before (I hope sincerely). Today I would simply like to close off the old testament, then we will basically relook at … Continue reading

#5 – The Wisdom of Suffering [James 1:1-18]: Faith

So, we have determined that the reason we face trial and difficulty is so that the Lord can develop endurance within us. That aspect of His nature that resembles his everlasting and eternal quality. Through suffering we become more like Him and can bear His image more fully on the Earth. A true reason to … Continue reading