The purpose of the scriptures

The bible can be a confusing place. So many different letters and books, written by so many different people at different times in history to various groups of different people. Hundreds of thousands of written scriptures, all God breathed, yet many of them seemingly contradictory. The bible is a challenging read to say the least, …

In the beginning… (part 2): Curiosity killed humanity!

#2.2 of Living with Christ as our Source *** This article is part of a blog series about what it means to live with Christ as our source. You can check out the Introduction to the series by clicking here. *** Last week, we saw that in the beginning, Adam and his Wife only knew to … Continue reading

In the beginning… (part 1): Childlike dependence on God

#2.1 of Living with Christ as our Source *** This article is part of a blog series about what it means to live with Christ as our source. You can check out the Introduction to the series by clicking here. *** It would only be appropriate to start at the very beginning (a very good place … Continue reading